Erika Kusumi


Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan
Residence Program Result Exhibition “Learning from the Past to Create the Future”, SanHo Art Lab, Taiwan


Learning from the Past to Create the Future」
■会期 2024年10月12日(土)~10月27日(日)
■会場 Sanho Art Labs
2022 年にAbsolute space for the Arts と北海道の美術作家・キュレーターと共に実現したオンラインコラボレーション展示の中で、私は台南市のランド
私は、150 年ほどの歴史である近代都市・札幌で育ち、これほどまでに歴史ある地域に長く滞在するのは初めての経験でした。気候や文化が全く異なる台南は、私にとってまさに「故きを温ねて新しきを知る街」という印象でした。現在、日本各地で古い街並みや建物を取り壊して再開発が進んでいます。日本の気候や耐震基準の変更といった理由から古い建物を残すのが難しい場合もありますが、消えゆく街並みには寂しさを感じます。
人類の経済活動や核実験により自然環境が大きく変化し、人新世(じんしんせい)Anthropocene という時代に突入した今、エネルギーを大量に消費する「スクラップアンドビルド」ではなく、歴史を尊重しつつ新たな価値を創造する「温故知新」の姿勢こそが、未来の都市の理想像ではないでしょうか。
私は自然とテクノロジーが共生する社会を描くSFジャンル「ソーラーパンク」の要素と、台南の街の風景を融合させ、「City 22」という作品を2 点制作しま
た、台南の緯度「22」を作品タイトルに使用し、以前制作した「City 946」との関連性を示しています。
北国から私を召喚し、この素晴らしい機会を与えてくださったAbsolute space for the Arts の皆さまに、心から感謝いたします。

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